James Bucag
Postgraduate Research Student
Affiliations: University of Leeds| Infineum UK | CMAC
Research Interests: Surface Chemistry of Corrosion

Email: py14jb@leeds.ac.uk Address: James Bucag Research Complex at Harwell Harwell Science and Innovation Campus Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0DE |
Web Pages PROFILE James graduated from the University of Leeds with an MPhys degree in Physic with a year abroad studying at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Between academic years James undertook several scientific summer placements. The work he undertook during his placements include working with Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM) on developing a platform to present near real time data and to explore Topological Superconductors. During his final year, he undertook a Condensed Matter project focusing on developing a methodology for synthesising thin films of Topological Insulators via Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD). After his Physics degree James have joined the School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds working on a project funded by Infineum UK. EDUCATION International MPhys (Hons) in Physics – University of Leeds (2014-2018)* *Year aboard in HKUST (2016-2017) PROFESSIONAL ROLES, SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS RESEARCH INTERESTS Current Project (2015 – Present): PhD Copper surface chemistry in the presence of thin films of formulated organic oil. Outline – Copper is a common metal in engines and not just in combustion but also in electric engines, for example as a corrosion-resistant metal alloy for components such as gaskets, heat exchangers, etc. Slow dissolution of Copper at the surface can cause problems because it is an effective catalytic chemical, with even minute quantities (below 1 ppm in solution) causing corrosion and unwanted growth of surface contaminants elsewhere in the engine. My current research aims to increase the understanding of the surface physics and chemistry of Copper dissolution and corrosion. Supervisor: Prof Sven L. M. Schroeder, Dr Anna Kroner and Dr Thibaut Charpentier Other Projects: MPhys Research Project – Synthesis of Topological Insulator Antimony (II) Telluride, Sb2Te3, thin films via Physical Vapour Deposition PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES Publications: Conferences: |