Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Total Electron-Yield XAS as an In Situ Probe for Studies of Catalysts and Other Materials in Reactive Gas Environments

Sven L.M. Schroeder
PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, March 1996

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You have two options:

[1] Download all PDF files of the thesis in a zip file

Click here (3527 kB)

[2] Download PDF files of the individual thesis sections

0.pdf (230 kB)
Title Page, Preface, Table of Contents, Glossary of Abbreviations.

1.pdf (264 kB)
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy: Principles

2.pdf (403 kB)
Design and Characterisation of In Situ Cells for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigations of Catalysts by Total-Electron Yield Detection

3.pdf (734 kB)
Probing Depth of Total Electron-Yield Techniques for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

4.pdf (676 kB)
Non-Linear Response of The Total Electron-yield Signal to the X-ray Absorption Coefficient

5.pdf (600 kB)
In Situ Total Electron-Yield XAFS Investigations of a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Methanol Synthesis Catalyst

6.pdf (389 kB)
Investigations of Nanocrystalline Cu5Ni95 Alloy Particles by In Situ TEY XAFS, In Situ XRD and XPS

7.pdf (137 kB)
Summary and Future Work

a.pdf (209 kB)
Appendix A (Spectroellipsometric Analysis of NiO Layers Grown on Ni)

Appendix B (Comparative Standard Spectra Acquired by Total Electron Yield, Fluorescence Yield and Transmission Detection) is currently not available.